Justin Sun Elected Prime Minister of Liberland Micronation 2024

Justin Sun Elected Prime Minister of Liberland Micronation 2024

Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, has been elected Prime Minister of the micronation Liberland, located between Croatia and Serbia. The election, held on October 5, was conducted entirely using blockchain technology.

The 2.7 square-mile micronation has also invited several VIPs into its Congress, including entrepreneur Evan Luthra, journalist Jillian Godsi, Croatian politician Ivan Pernar, and IT professional Dorian Stern Vukotić. Officials from Liberland emphasized the transparent, algorithmic process of their elections. They believe this model could be adopted for future elections.

“This system has a unique ability to eliminate doubt regarding election outcomes, a challenge faced by many countries still relying on traditional methods,” said representatives from the Liberland nation. “We hope to be a pioneering example of what will soon become common practice.”

Justin Sun’s election as leader of a micronation reflects a rising interest among crypto enthusiasts and industry leaders in exploring “network states.” This concept, popularized by former executive Balaji Srinivasan, envisions nations that are geographically dispersed but operate through blockchain technology. These sovereign entities are built on privately held land and use decentralized systems to function.

Liberland’s founding follows the example of Bitnation, which declared itself the first crypto microstate in 2014. Since then, several similar projects have emerged, including landlocked micronations like Liberland and proposed oceanic communities called seasteads. These floating cities, still theoretical, aim to establish sovereign nations in international waters.

CEO - Richard Thompson

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