WRITE FOR US - Digital Marketing Agency


Thank you for your interest in contributing to Shandigitalmarketing.com! We welcome guest writers who can share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the field of digital marketing. By contributing to our platform, you have the opportunity to showcase your knowledge to our audience and gain exposure in the digital marketing community.

Submission Guidelines:

Before submitting your content, please review the following guidelines to ensure a smooth and efficient process:

1. Content Relevance:

      • We are interested in articles related to digital marketing trends, strategies, case studies, and industry insights.

      • Ensure that your content aligns with the theme and focus of Shandigitalmarketing.com.

    2. Originality:

        • All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere.

        • If your content is based on external sources, provide proper attribution.

      3. Quality Standards:

          • Submissions should be well-written, free of grammatical errors, and formatted for easy readability.

          • Include a catchy headline, subheadings, and engaging content that provides value to our audience.

        4. Word Count:

            • Aim for a word count between 800 to 1500 words, but quality matters more than quantity.

          5. Author Bio:

              • Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) with your submission, along with a headshot and links to your social media profiles.

            6. Formatting:

                • Submit your content in a Word document or Google Doc.

                • Use H2 and H3 tags for subheadings.

                • Include relevant images or graphics with proper attribution.

              7. Review Process:

                  • Our editorial team will review your submission and may make edits for clarity and style.

                  • We reserve the right to decline submissions that do not meet our standards or align with our content strategy.

                How to Submit:

                To submit your article for consideration, please email it to info@shandigitalmarketing.com with the subject line “Guest Post Submission – [Your Topic].” Our team will review your submission and respond within 03 days.

                Benefits of Contributing:

                    • Exposure to a wide audience in the digital marketing community.

                    • A byline and author bio with links to your website and social media profiles.

                    • Networking opportunities within the digital marketing industry.

                  Thank you for considering Shandigitalmarketing.com as a platform for your valuable insights. We look forward to receiving your contributions and working together to enrich our community with high-quality content.

                  Best regards, The Shandigitalmarketing.com Team

                  Submit your articles here



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